All the while Dems Have Abolished the Constitution, Steal Elections, Loot the Treasury, Commit massive theft/corruption, Beg for Nuclear War and intend destruction of our nation as fast as possible
In the 20th century, continuing to today, White men became cowards. Not all White men but collectively we are a bunch of cowards. We are only concerned with our comfort and money. We all watch other White men get destroyed by bullshit Me Too false accusations, or Marxist kangaroo courts set up to jail Republicans for the crime of opposing Marxism. Oh wait. There are some brave White males. 14 year old ANTIFA White boys raised by White single moms to hate their own race have the bravery that goes along with having the police on their side.
Adult White men just want to hide and avoid the Blob and their hysterical mobs. We have been trained to self censor. Never complain about being blamed for all the world's ills. Never complain about being the scape goat, the hated enemy. Never complain because the next step would be standing up and actually opposing our oppression.
And yes, I mean it when I say that White men became cowards in the 20th century. They were brave enough to fight in all the wars but not brave enough to oppose what was going on internally in America. We just sit there and take it without a complaint when they take our rights away and discriminate against us and flood our country with hostile foreigners. Not only did we White men not oppose our displacement, half of us supported it because wanted to be on the winning side and collect a few scraps. Join a union and benefit from collectivism. Never mind that your son is going to be a second class citizen. You have your government job or union job so now you are a Democrat, ready to sell your soul for a few pieces of silver.
What an absolutely outstanding comment!!!! BRAVO 🙌 BRAVO 👏 BRAVO!!!! Everything that you had to say, especially about how our white race, has become so overloaded with chickenshit scaredy-cats, is completely truthful. 100% spot on. I don’t know how many times I’ve had my account on Facebook, put in jail as I call it. And so do many of the other guys that are in my friends list. They have also had their account suspended for a week to 30 days. Why???? BECAUSE WE TOLD THE DAMN TRUTH!!!!
About a myriad of things.. and for many times, just putting up certain articles that seems to offend some of the gatekeepers at Facebook over on the silly coast.
Thank you for posting everything that you did. Everything you had to say I’ve been saying myself as loud as I could yell online!!!! I will close with this, several times, I’ve wanted to get certain rallies started.
An outside of my core group that consisted of, 4 to 6 other fellas, all of the married couples, everybody was too busy, too many other excuses… The bottom line????? it equaled out to =CHICKEN SHIT SCARED!!!!!
During corporate diversity training I argue with the political commissar "trainers". After the training other White men approach me and tell me they agree but are afraid to voice it. So cowardly. They can see that I didnt get fired, maybe it hurt my career, I dont think so but its a risk. I guess. Most guys think they are alone because we are censored.
I want to work in our domestic Oil&Gas Industry, after I retired from MSC. Military Sealift Command, Department of the Navy. I went to sea for almost 30 years as a bridge officer. Retiring as a chief mate, Relief Captain.
About 2 1/2 to 3 years after I retired from MSC, I got bored to tears. So I took a job as a on-site safety manager, Working offshore in the Gulf of Mexico. My mothers, oldest brother was what is steel called, a company man for, marathon oil company.
Out of Lafayette Louisiana he was over the drilling operations for marathon in the gulf. You don’t know how much I am so happy that we never had any diversity type training in my working lifetime.
So I worked out in the gulf right about two years, then I went to work in the safety department for company out of Williston, North Dakota. Which I have always preferred to live and work in western North Dakota / eastern Montana, And Wyoming.
So I finished out my working lifetime in these areas. And during all of this time, we never had any of that horseshit called, diversity / inclusion, Whatever the hell that is. Or whatever the hell it means. Maybe you know what it means????
What I can't understand is the blind hatred for people that never caused them any harm. I'm try to understand how people can be so blind, that they can't see the contrast between Trump's and Biden's presidencies. Believe your ears, but not your eyes?
These people are mushrooms. In the dark, being fed shit daily, and either they love it or they honestly don't have a clue. Either way, I believe alot of us are past that point of had enough.
Yes, it's entirely bizarre. These people apparently cannot think for themselves and their “thought leaders,” like the very evil Hillary Clinton, tell them over and over the same falsehoods. They've managed to create an entirely inverted reality. They don't have a lick of common sense derived from real, productive work. Please check out this post:
In the 20th century, continuing to today, White men became cowards. Not all White men but collectively we are a bunch of cowards. We are only concerned with our comfort and money. We all watch other White men get destroyed by bullshit Me Too false accusations, or Marxist kangaroo courts set up to jail Republicans for the crime of opposing Marxism. Oh wait. There are some brave White males. 14 year old ANTIFA White boys raised by White single moms to hate their own race have the bravery that goes along with having the police on their side.
Adult White men just want to hide and avoid the Blob and their hysterical mobs. We have been trained to self censor. Never complain about being blamed for all the world's ills. Never complain about being the scape goat, the hated enemy. Never complain because the next step would be standing up and actually opposing our oppression.
And yes, I mean it when I say that White men became cowards in the 20th century. They were brave enough to fight in all the wars but not brave enough to oppose what was going on internally in America. We just sit there and take it without a complaint when they take our rights away and discriminate against us and flood our country with hostile foreigners. Not only did we White men not oppose our displacement, half of us supported it because wanted to be on the winning side and collect a few scraps. Join a union and benefit from collectivism. Never mind that your son is going to be a second class citizen. You have your government job or union job so now you are a Democrat, ready to sell your soul for a few pieces of silver.
What an absolutely outstanding comment!!!! BRAVO 🙌 BRAVO 👏 BRAVO!!!! Everything that you had to say, especially about how our white race, has become so overloaded with chickenshit scaredy-cats, is completely truthful. 100% spot on. I don’t know how many times I’ve had my account on Facebook, put in jail as I call it. And so do many of the other guys that are in my friends list. They have also had their account suspended for a week to 30 days. Why???? BECAUSE WE TOLD THE DAMN TRUTH!!!!
About a myriad of things.. and for many times, just putting up certain articles that seems to offend some of the gatekeepers at Facebook over on the silly coast.
Thank you for posting everything that you did. Everything you had to say I’ve been saying myself as loud as I could yell online!!!! I will close with this, several times, I’ve wanted to get certain rallies started.
An outside of my core group that consisted of, 4 to 6 other fellas, all of the married couples, everybody was too busy, too many other excuses… The bottom line????? it equaled out to =CHICKEN SHIT SCARED!!!!!
During corporate diversity training I argue with the political commissar "trainers". After the training other White men approach me and tell me they agree but are afraid to voice it. So cowardly. They can see that I didnt get fired, maybe it hurt my career, I dont think so but its a risk. I guess. Most guys think they are alone because we are censored.
I want to work in our domestic Oil&Gas Industry, after I retired from MSC. Military Sealift Command, Department of the Navy. I went to sea for almost 30 years as a bridge officer. Retiring as a chief mate, Relief Captain.
About 2 1/2 to 3 years after I retired from MSC, I got bored to tears. So I took a job as a on-site safety manager, Working offshore in the Gulf of Mexico. My mothers, oldest brother was what is steel called, a company man for, marathon oil company.
Out of Lafayette Louisiana he was over the drilling operations for marathon in the gulf. You don’t know how much I am so happy that we never had any diversity type training in my working lifetime.
So I worked out in the gulf right about two years, then I went to work in the safety department for company out of Williston, North Dakota. Which I have always preferred to live and work in western North Dakota / eastern Montana, And Wyoming.
So I finished out my working lifetime in these areas. And during all of this time, we never had any of that horseshit called, diversity / inclusion, Whatever the hell that is. Or whatever the hell it means. Maybe you know what it means????
What I can't understand is the blind hatred for people that never caused them any harm. I'm try to understand how people can be so blind, that they can't see the contrast between Trump's and Biden's presidencies. Believe your ears, but not your eyes?
These people are mushrooms. In the dark, being fed shit daily, and either they love it or they honestly don't have a clue. Either way, I believe alot of us are past that point of had enough.
Also this post:
Yes, it's entirely bizarre. These people apparently cannot think for themselves and their “thought leaders,” like the very evil Hillary Clinton, tell them over and over the same falsehoods. They've managed to create an entirely inverted reality. They don't have a lick of common sense derived from real, productive work. Please check out this post: