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The Biden Bolsheviks really want a Coup d'Etat against Putin and Russia. But the truth is that IT'S THE USA THAT SHOULD HAVE A (COUNTER-) COUP D'ETAT against the illegitimate Biden Bolsheviks and the rest of the government. I say a counter-coup because the 2020 election was obviously stolen by the worst, most dishonest but idiotic people in the world. And now we're paying, and will keep paying, the consequences. If we had any patriots left in the military, they should march into Washington DC and decapitate the entire regime and remove the entire senior ranks of the WH, FBI, CIA, etc., etc. Really, the entire government needs to be disbanded. Yes, you can keep the low level people for now. IT'S THAT BAD.

Here's the thing. We either do it now using our own military, or else we're going to be defeated militarily in a well-deserved and humiliating comeuppance. Either before or after such a defeat, we face a collapse of our markets and our money and a descent into further societal collapse. Let's fact it: the US is now a failed state. The US is at war with it's own people, Western Civilization (means white people), and now much of the world. Some 70% of the worlds' countries are allied or sympathetic to Russia (and to some extent enamored with Chinese money).

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