The prospect of Martial Law seemed impossible only 4 years ago. Now that the commies have trained everyone on earth to be compliant good boys via covid hysteria it doesnt seem far fetched anymore. Which will come first, Barack Obama makes it illegal to be White or Back Obama makes it illegal to move your money out of America?

As for the bullshit fake election, Barack will replace Biden with Michelle Obama if she is not too lazy to pretend to be Dictator, I mean "President" while Barack runs the show. If Michelle is too busy spending the billions in bribe money from Ukraine and China and Iran and Netfix then Barack will choose another puppet. Add in millions of fake mail in ballots and the commies aren't worried.

BTW, Biden's senility is useful. It makes him easy to control. Look at John McCain and Barry Goldwater. Both became Shit Libs when they went senile. Im fascinated by this phenomenon. I call it Senility Induced Libtardism. When conservative people get old they often become Leftists. My theory is they lose the ability to think critically and just absorb what the media tells them. I don't give women a pass for being Leftists. They can think. Senile people really are being tricked. Of course old people always vote so its not harmless. If the MSM was patriotic as it was 80 years ago, old people would all be conservative White Nationalist Patriots they way they were back then.

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LOL, "Senility-induced Libtarism!" Good one!

The nation's median IQ is shrinking dramatically now; with world-average (80 IQ median) individuals coming into the country by the millions, old baby boomers are shedding IQ points daily --all the way to senility, young people's brains are not being trained in logic, literature or critical thinking, but bullshit "critical race theory bullcrap."

"Critical Race Theory" means that US Blacks see racism everywhere. They think this because collectively they are dumber than hell and their inability to learn or understand much at any level leaves them in a permanent struggle to adapt to ordinary 21st century life and coping with ordinary day-to-day things that Whites/Europeans used to be able to handle. Their lives are a mighty struggle, high school is a mighty struggle, coping in society is a mighty struggle. IT MUST BE RACISM. For them, it must be! What else could it be?? Right? Everything is rigged against them, right? White persons and especially White women can't even conceive how dumb most of these people are.

Forget Civics lessons in junior high; that's too dangerous. Our genius "founding fathers" are being forgotten and/or dismissed as outdated or 'rayciss." The reality is that the peak of USA intellectual and moral integrity was probably when Thomas Jefferson was in office as President. From then, it was an inevitable downhill slide but slowed by our traditional immigration from Europe. After that was reversed in 1965, now it's a waterfall collapse. It's just too pathetic to think about. You saw my post "Goodby White America and Western Civ." (https://gulfcoastcommentary.substack.com/p/goodbye-white-america-and-western)

Crazy ass suburban women are a nightmare for our country; they're just too stupid, spoiled, distracted, brainwashed and dumb! OK, so I'm making the case that EVERYONE is too dumb to sustain advanced civilization. So advanced civilization is now positively 3rd world banana republic---all in one generation!! It must be a record!

While all this is happening, all the uni-party warmongers continue to plot more wars with more countries (to enrich the MIC and assure their kickbacks to the pols), all the while the traditional Southern white kids are saying "hell no" to joining the US military. They don't need some dumbass LGBT black women sergeant yelling at them!! Fuck that!

I've written that our nation's endpoint is Argentina, then I said Venezuela (when Obama was prez.), now i'm fairly concerned that our future is a heaping pile of rubble or smoldering ruins. But we're a big country and some areas might be ok. The new United Central States of America might be an ok place if you can avoid radiated spots. Hopefully I'm way wrong. Probably.

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