There are some Good Muslims, Like There Were some Good Nazis
Islam is inherently repressive, intolerant, violent, and supremacist despite the fact that some adherents are not. The good, decent Muslims are that way IN SPITE of Islam.
This is a follow-on video from the great Raymond Ibrahim that I posted recently: "Fear of Islam,"ie., Islamophobia, Has Been the Rational and Justified Position Among Non-Muslims for 1400 years...”
It’s likely that you personally have never experienced Muslim communities in any kind of depth and you probably have not seen their culture up close and personal. Muslim communities are VERY different than life in America.
I lived in Jakarta for 2 years and generally enjoyed it. Of course, I didn’t live in the grinding poverty that surrounded me. I lived in a high rise apartment in Central Jakarta, and there was a small “river” flowing nearby that was literally a moving and smelly garbage heap. All of this garbage flowed into the nearby Java Sea. I’m sure there are 100s of such tributaries across the island of Java and other places in Indonesia. I went snorkel diving around the “Thousand Islands” about 40 km north of Jakarta in the Java sea. It’s an ok place, but when I went snorkel diving, there was zillions of plastic bags just floating around. It was bad.
In Sumatra, the local “culture” of burning rice fields ruins the air quality in the entire region for about a month or two; including in Singapore and Malaysia. It would be better to plow-under the rice plants—which would be much more sustainable farming technique—and wouldn’t choke the region in smog. Mind you, the Thai farmers up near Chiang Mai do the same thing. The region has complained but Indonesia says that “it’s a cultural thing.”
In my post The Murderous Scourge of Islam Continues: the 'Palestinians' and 100+ Years Of Hatred and Murder, I talk about how militant the Muslims were in North Sumatra. They fought the Indonesia government for decades. Supposedly they were very “conservative” but I hear that they were a bunch of miserable, violent people and pot-heads. I mentioned in that post, that only after a vast wall of water killed 100,000+ people, ie., the tsunami in 2004 which hit offshore Banda Aceh, that ONLY THEN was there peace in Aceh. I made the point that you’d likely have to wipe-out the Gazans in the same way, to have any peace. Palestinians lived and died by the slogan “from the river to the sea” where they maintained a steadfast desire to MURDER ALL JEWS since the 1920s (and before) until today.
Now, the Israelis are finally giving the Gazan Muslims what they wanted for Jews: complete and utter destruction of Gaza or basically “from the river to the sea” FOR THOSE INTRACTIBLE MUSLIMS. Be careful of what you wish for.
You see, the Gazans were a special kind of haters. Hating was their life. It’s a pity because 2 million very moderate Muslims live and thrive within Israel proper.
Let’s talk about other Muslim characteristics.. Muslims uniformly want their women barefoot, pregnant and relegated to the kitchen. No women’s lib for you Kafirs/Dhimmi!! And no school for you little Muslim girls in many Muslim countries—and no career or independence. Up until recently, women weren’t allowed to drive in Saudi Arabia.
Did I mention their history of piracy? The US and Thomas Jefferson fought our first foreign war in ~180405 against the Muslim scumbags in N. Africa; the Barbary muslim pirates. They had no problem plundering passing ships and making sex slaves of the women taken from merchant ships in the 1700s to 1800s. They made slaves of the men or just killed them.
Remember the Somali pirates?? …the Yemen pirates? I was in SE Asia much of last year and I heard that you could no longer take boats from Palawan to Malaysia Borneo. The reason: muslim pirates. The Philippines today has a huge problem of murder and kidnapping in Southern Philippines. Nice people those Muslims!
I remember when Biden suddenly left Afghanistan, the highest priority of Muslims was to withdraw all the girls from school — to remind girls of their subservient status. The muslim men can’t tolerate any girls/women having any knowledge since that would challenge their patriarchy. You hear that, you “woke” idiots???
I’m tired of writing about this subject, so if you’re interested, just browse the titles below—it’s just a short list. You can search “Bing” for Islam “Gulfcoastcommentary” for a long list of articles. I’ve said it “all” before about the world-wide, murderous scourge of Islam.
Palestinians-100+ Years Of Hatred
It's Not Just Gaza: Islam is the Greatest Murder Machine in Human History
The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem and the Fuhrer
A Violent Minority Ruins the Reputation of Entire Groups: Islam Edition
Why Continue To Pretend Islam is a Religion?
Islam: Making a Difference, One Body at a Time
A Pandemic You Rarely Hear About: 360 Millon Christians Persecuted Worldwide
A Pandemic You Rarely Hear About: 360 Millon Christians Persecuted Worldwide
Raymond Ibrahim: Europe Welcomes It's Historic Enemy with Open Arms
etc, etc, etc…..
And in the US, the "pro-Hamas" crowd (read: antisemitic) is filled with AWFULS (Angry White Female Urban Liberals), anarchists, Marxists, useful idiots, and self-hating Jews. Jewish students need to bring independent resistance to this by getting in shape and taking "never again" to heart, instead of depending on police and others for survival and safety. Instead of being soft-handed office boys and girls, American Jews need the same instincts as kibbutzniks -- tough, resilient, self-reliant, and able to live off the land. The days of the coddled finance type is over.
I come by my ‘Islamophobia’ honestly
Massacred family that left scars and voids that cannot be forgotten
1400 years of proof