“All-but one of the Black Legislators Voted "No,"......We Can't Accept Help From White People, So We'll let More Blacks Die.”

I say good. Let them all die. Let me clarify this statement, so I drive the point home. LET JUST ALL, ALL THE BLACK MALES, BLACK—FEMALES, ALL OF THEM DIE!! every damn single one of them. DIE.

My father used to say this about the beaches in Florida when it came to growing things. You know like vegetables. “ Add anything, Absolutely anything but Sand.” and this holds true when it comes to cities. If you want to keep your city safe, you can add just about any racial mix.

BESIDES —BLACK. The very minute you start adding black males and especially black females, you will pollute the racial harmony of that town. And, you will definitely set that town on the road to Social & Fiscal Destruction…. So once again, and I cannot stress this hard enough. I cannot stress this long enough. Add any racial mix you feel like.


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Every other "minority" or ethnic group is basically thriving in the US; including African students who come here to go to university and graduate programs. I've recently befriended a number of these Africans (and Afghanis) at my gym--although all of the ones that I met are Christian. I've worked in two different countries in Africa, and although everything's a mess, I noticed that everyone was so friendly and ready with a smile. It's like that in SE Asia too. There's a lot of poor people and poorly educated people there but they are so sweet and charming, it's hard not to just love these people. Only the US BLACKS are ignorant, anti-social and full of hate. The Democrats have done a great job in keeping past grievances, hatred and discord alive in a nation that has MORE THAN FIXED our racial problems.

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